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Our first venture into Fredericton marked the beginning of our local presence in the city.

In 2019, LCL Excavation embarked on a journey to specialize in Municipal Infrastructure Projects. Our first venture into Fredericton marked the beginning of our local presence in the city.


Over the years, and since our first venture into Fredericton, we've left our mark on the landscape with several significant projects: 2019: Hillcourt Drive 2020: Willow Ave, Douglas Ave, Carmen Ave 2021: Lilac Crescent, McAdam Ave & Wilkins Ave 2022: Hemlock Ave, Huron Ave, Maple Street Phases 2 2023: Maple Street Phase 3, Royal Road, Hargrove Court

Today, we boast a local office space, a laydown area, and a shop, along with a team of Fredericton employees. We're proud to call Fredericton our home and want you to know that we are a truly local company.

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